Catalogue FineCork®
The thermal energy required for this treatment is obtained from renewable energy sources and the product has absolutely zero impact on the environment and the atmosphere.
A cork stopper offering maximum performance at every stage of its use: it releases neither dust nor fragments and guarantees perfect corking and regular uncorking.
The Genesis® treatment with ‘steam current’ totally frees the cork grain from the substances that generate the classic cork taint.
Thanks to the innovative Genesis® ‘steam current’ treatment, developed by Molinas, the fine, ultra-selected cork grain is totally cleaned from the substances that give rise to cork taint. The treated micro cork grains are agglomerated to obtain a cork stopper capable of providing maximum performance at every stage of use.
During the bottling step, it releases neither dust nor fragments, just as it guarantees perfect corking and regular uncorking. During its stay in the bottle, on the other hand, it favours the natural and regular micro-oxygenation of the wine, without leaks or capillary rise. In particular, it preserves and maintains the aromas of all types of wine.
FineCork® is therefore the ideal closure for storing wines with a particular aromatic and floral content, but is also suitable for wines intended for long-term storage.

Once the micro cork grains have been cleaned of all substances that can give rise to cork taint or other deviations, they are agglomerated by individual moulding system, obtaining a FineCork® Spumante that guarantees perfect corking with a constant internal pressure seal even in the long term, ensuring an even extraction force and absolutely perfect elastic recovery.
FineCork® Spumante, during its stay in the bottle, facilitates the natural maturation of the wine, promoting its regular and constant evolution over time. In particular, it preserves and maintains the aromas and freshness of all types of wine, whether sparkling or semi-sparkling.
Its gas-sealing, consistently homogenous extraction force and perfect elastic recovery make FineCork® Spumante the best closure available today to protect and preserve the most refined and elegant characteristics of every sparkling wine.

The Comité Interprofessionnel Du Vin De Champagne (CIVC) carried out a comparative study with the most popular micro-agglomerated cork stoppers manufactured by the major international players. The study, which is completely autonomous and independent, confirms that FineCork® is a safety product from a mechanical and sanitary point of view, protecting every sparkling wine without organoleptic alterations of any kind.
FineCork® HD (HIGH DENSITY). The new high-density version recovers the best characteristics of FineCork®, strengthening and enhancing them without denaturing them.
The Genesis® treatment, to which the very fine grain of cork is subjected, guarantees sensory neutrality and the absence of cork taint. The special blend of high-density microgranules combined with exceptional seal, excellent machinability and the elasticity provided by the expandable microspheres guarantees easy and smooth uncorking.
FineCork® HD presents itself as the best seal to guarantee safety, as well as being sustainable and TCA free, particularly suitable for the premium and high-performance products that can reflect the high range of wines for which it has been specially created.

A study carried out by the Italian Composting and Biogas Association (in Italian: C.I.C. Consorzio Italiano Compostatori) — a non-profit organization that promotes and improves the recycling of the organic fraction of waste and by-products, aiming to produce compost and biomethane — certifies that FineCork® agglomerated cork stoppers meet the compostability requirements according to UNI EN 13432.
Production site
Località Ignazioni, 07023
Calangianus (SS), Sardegna – Italia
Legal head office
Via Belvedere 60, Località Macia
37040 Arcole (VR), Veneto – Italia